Sunday, December 30, 2012

Peet's French roast - A true dark roast

Brewed in a moka pot with a bit of a finer grind than I usually do. Smokey, carbon flavor, very strong. This is almost like an americano, very strong espresso taste. This will stand up to milk well for a cappuccino or latte. Less chocolate than a Starbucks French roast but very good. I included a picture of the grounds next to lacas espresso roast to show how dark this is.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas with Sweet Maria's

Bought Richard some fresh coffee for some Christmas home roasting.

Sweet Maria's French Roast

Sweet Maria's French roast roasted in an iroast2 about one minute into second crack. Beans are nice and oily and dark. Brewed in a standard drip coffee maker. Not as chocolatey as Starbucks French roast but very good. Lots of body.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lacas Espresso Roast

I made a cup of this in my 12 oz moka pot which yielded about 10 oz coffee. I was hoping for a nice, dark, and oily roast but this looks more like a full city or just beyond. Upon first sip the taste is very bright with a nice smoky finish and aftertaste. Not much chocolate and I might prefer something darker if I was going to make a latte. I may have to start roasting my own to get the carbon and smoke flavor I desire.