Friday, January 3, 2014

Jasmine Cain's coffin coffee

Jasmine Cain is one of the most rocking female performers, or any performer, I've ever seen. I saw her at Laconia bike fest in June 2013. When she did a kickstarter event to raise money for a new bus and I found out I could donate some money and receive coffee I was in. 

This is the Jasmine Cain Coffin roast which I believe was specially made for the event. I tried it as both a cappuccino with my moka pot and straight up with the ground coffee attachment for my keurig. 

I cheated and cut some Starbucks French roast in for the cappuccino and it was delicious. I would call this a dark city roast. Nice roasted flavor. Not too dark, no fruity flavor (which I personally dislike). A very enjoyable brew. If Jasmine needed the money I would gladly donate again. Thanks Jasmine. Check her out at